TFknownet is a learning platform based approach, for creating a unified network of university laboratories and Industries established in different countries, in an a empt to exploit the resources of each individual member and present an innovative curriculum of engineering related material.
TFknownet is a learning platform based approach, for creating a unified network of university laboratories and Industries established in different countries, in an a empt to exploit the resources of each individual member and present an innovative curriculum of engineering related material.
TFknownet is a learning platform based approach, for creating a unified network of university laboratories and Industries established in different countries, in an attempt to exploit the resources of each individual member and present an innovative curriculum of engineering related material.
Register your interest If you want to participate in Teaching factory project for 2021, please register your interest here.
As industrial association, SIAV’s main role will be to strengthen the exploitation and dissemination of the Teaching Factory paradigm in local industrial pilots. The pilots’ activities will focus on demonstrating […]
Here, in this video, TF KnowNet industrial partner Volvo trucks representative talk about their project completed in cooperation of Volvo trucks and TF KnowNet consortium in 2022.
The proposed activity aims to deliver a program where students, researchers and companies work together to promote and share expert knowledge and mutually develop skills through practice, co-creating solutions to industrial manufacturing challenges. This will be achieved through a collaborative Knowledge Sharing Network of organizations (academia and industry) that can effectively exchange information, including teaching material, virtual access to state-of-art infrastructure, real industrial challenges and novel solutions. These organizations will be classified in two boards. On one hand, the academic board (comprising universities) will focus on developing the didactic approach, methodology and tools, as well as on providing novel concepts, ideas and approaches to address both industrial needs and innovative educational schemes. On the other hand, the industrial board will have the role of providing feedback on the skills required, the overall approach and content delivery scheme, and will have the chance to provide a number of industrial challenges to be elaborated by the developed TF network.